Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Other than another trip to the hospital or doctors appointment….Megan and I took mom to watch Makayla play four games of volley ball. You will all be happy to know she was cheering, coaching, smiling and laughing from the side line….just back to her old self…..which was so wonderful to see. The wound on her chest is 95% healed and she will see the traveling nurse today in which we hope she will be discharged.

On May 27th mom will go back to Harborview and see Dr. Trout that did her pelvic surgery. We are all hoping he will let her start putting some weight on her left leg.

Aunt Pam (moms 2nd to youngest sister who is also a nurse) is here from New York helping with mom’s care and being a great supporter for the rest of us…..thank you Aunt Pam!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to here she's on the mend. Hopefully she'll get a good check-up from the surgeon.
Wishing you the best.
Ron & Nancy Smith