Thursday, April 10, 2008

From Dan Vogel

Of my 31 years in the USAF, I spent a total of 9 years over 3 tours at McChord with 6 years under Jerry--first as my Asst Chief and later as my Fire Chief. Jerry was the first USAF civilian I worked for that treated military and civilian fire fighters equally and fairly.

Jerry let me grow as a young NCO but brought the hammer down hard as I left to go overseas. His low-key asskicking was a turning point in my career. He
welcomed me back, gave me a second chance and made me the department training chief. He once told me if anyone could make Chief Master Sergeant in his department, it was me--which I eventually did under Fire Chief Larry Replogle.
Coincidentally, Jerry's grandson later worked for me when I was Fire Chief at Misawa AB, Japan.

Jerry had few rules but I remember three, 1) KNOW your job so during an emergency you can DO your job, 2) Don't touch anything in the fridge that isn't yours, and 3) If the Seahawks or Huskies are on TV, don't get anywhere near the remote.

He was a fine man, a great boss, and a true leader.

Dan Vogel, CMSgt Ret.

Deputy Program Director
Fire & Emergency Services
Commander, Navy Region Southeast
PO Box 102
Bldg 919 Langley Street
Naval Air Station
Jacksonville, FL 32212-0102

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