Friday, April 4, 2008

From Lita

Megan, Lita and Pat, circa ninteen seventy-ugly furniture and clothes!
I have known the O'Neil family since birth. Our families obviously spent a lot of time together because I remember calling him Uncle Jerry when I was a kid. And for some reason, I also faintly remember a lot of short-sleeved blue shirts?

Anyhow, Megan, my sister and I are all about the same age and I remember making the LONG trek to Enumclaw from Tacoma to go play. It was always an exciting time to be able to go visit (Are we there yet? Are we there yet?).

Here are some of the random little memories from my visits:

  • I used to think Karen was the lady (Marni Nixon) on the local kids show "Boomerang" and was perplexed how she could be on TV one minute and then in their house the next.
  • I remember Jerry rolling up newspaper into tight rolls, wrapping them in rubber bands and stacking them like logs to throw in the fireplace. I liked to hold the rubber bands for him and hand them to him when he was ready for one.
  • I remember we little girls used to bug the crap out of little Jerry.
  • I remember Jerry as this gigantic teddy bear that was really fun to hug.
  • I remember Karen making mayonnaise in a jar which I thought was the most disgusting thing ever. Mixed up egg and oil just seemed so gross at the time.
  • I thought Jerry’s ability to grow blueberries was the most amazing feat because I always thought they had to grow on farms, not in a backyard. He loved his blueberries and he loved to share them with us.
  • I loved to crawl onto Jerry's big lap and get a pony ride...over and over again. And then Pat and Megan would pile on and he'd give us all rides at the same time. And we'd giggle.

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